Thursday, December 20, 2007

Semester over

I don't know if any or many of you saw "Grease II" — the hit movie back in the '80s starring Michelle Pfeiffer and Maxwell Caufield (sp?). But there's a song at the beginning that's called "Back to School." I think of it often when I'm in school because the lyrics include, "Whoa, whoa, I gotta go, back to school," lamenting the end of freedom of the summer.
As I finished my last final Thursday, Dec. 13, a huge sigh of relief came over me. It's such a relief to just have one thing to do — my full-time job.
I remember when I graduated college in 1996, I said I was done. I'd never go back to school again.
But God likes a flexible and willing servant. I'm thankful I was obedient but it is a lot to tackle.
Thank you to all of you who are praying for me. It means a great deal to have such a huge support system.

Christmas newsletters

I am mailing newsletters after Christmas this year. Please forgive me. I want time to put something together for you. I will be updating my website and this blog as well over the holidays and into the new year.
Until then, keep your mailboxes clear ...