Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Grading on a curve

All my life, grades were important to me. It was a way to stand out … and at times above others. Some subjects just came naturally to me, but others I really had to work hard to get good grades.
Now that I’m in seminary, the grading scale is even tougher. Most of my professors require a 95 to get an “A.”
Especially for those who have supported me financially for school costs, I thought I would post my grades from the 2006-2007 year.

Fall 2006
Baptist History — A
Biblical Hebrew I — B
Introduction to Biblical Counseling — C
GPA — 3.0

Spring 2007
Counseling Individuals with Addiction Problems — A
Biblical Hebrew II — B
Christian Ethics — B
GPA — 3.33

Cumulative GPA — 3.17

Thank you so much for those who have supported me through your financial gifts and your much-needed prayers. Working full time and going to school full time takes a lot of effort. God continues to supply me with whatever is needed — sometimes through people like you.


Dedra C said...

I can vouch for her. She has always been very smart.

Love ya sis,

Anonymous said...

Good marks, good overall average.

Keep up the good work!