Monday, July 24, 2006

That all may know Him

A few weeks ago controversial Bible came to my attention. I admit, I’m intrigued. Apparently, an organization called XXXchurch has been handing out Bibles at adult film industry events and conferences. With vibrant colors, letters boldly proclaim: Jesus Loves Porn Stars.
Bible publishers refused to publish the book because they weren’t sure it was a smart move.
But Jesus does love porn stars, doesn’t He? Of course He does, but most traditional churchgoers don’t want that element in their church.
This is the reason so many of our churches are declining or barely maintaining the status quo. No one wants to rock the boat.
A new friend — I’ve known him a little over a year — of mine is a fabulous storyteller and a pastor. He has a heart for people and winning them for Christ. But when he started sharing the gospel with prostitutes and minorities and bringing them to church, baptizing them and trying to disciple them … well, he soon lost his job!
Loving the unlovely is good in theory and definitely when in another place. Let’s go on a mission trip! Let’s support missions overseas or in rural Appalachia!
But start inviting the low-income or no-income to your church? Forget about it!
Tell me what you think…

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