Thursday, June 15, 2006

In the devotion book, "Voices of the Faithful," each day is a devotion written by missionaries on the field through the International Mission Board. One on June 14 really struck home with me. It was about a missionary living in China. On the back of the door leading outside, they had a reminder of why they were serving in China:
As you go...
Can you BREAK a yoke?
Can you FEED the hungry?
Can you HELP the homeless?
Can you CLOTHE the naked?
Can you SATISFY the afflicted?
Can you LIFT up a needy brother?
Will you REFRAIN from cursing?
Will you GIVE yourself?
(based on Isaiah 58)
People in China are persecuted for their faith in Jesus. Shouldn't we be asking ourselves the same questions as we go out into this world?

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